Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween: Tis the Season to be Ghoulish!

It's Halloween and like any other photograph-obsessed mummy, I've dressed up Isaac in a ghoulish halloween outfit courtesy of a last-minute trip to the charity shops in Middlewood Road close to where we live. Why not? It's quite cheap and it's cheerful, who doesn't love looking at a child dressed up to scare when in fact they look the opposite?

When I was growing up in the Philippines, we didn't do Halloween. We knew about it of course, what with the countless American programs we have grown up with. But it was an expensive luxury that only the Western countries could afford, until along came China with its dirt cheap products and the growing amount of remittances from abroad that my Facebook feed is now filled with babies in 'cute' Halloween costumes.

In Britain, I know very few people who actually bother with Halloween. A friend of John once commented that the now popular tradition of treat-and-treating is just another American invention driven by commercialism which we all know is probably the biggest cause of the very recent financial crash we are all still suffering. But still, there's no harm in dressing-up and it's fun. So off we went to Hillsborough Park and took some photos, we made a few people passing by smile too!

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