About a Baby

Hi I'm Isaac, a one year old wee lad from Sheffield normally seen sporting a mullet and a cheeky smile, greeting people 'Hiya!' whenever they walk past.

But as cute as I may be (like every other baby, really) I am more than a pretty face. I'm a healthy and happy human being with my own charming quirks.

This blog is a chronicle of my (mis)adventures and milestones irregularly updated by my loving Mummy who juggles work, amateur photography and being a domestic goddess with nappy changing and butterfly kisses (a job she shares with my equally amazing Daddy). They are doing a great job between them, trust me, I'm the best judge.

Few Cool Things About Me

1. I'm a hypnobirthing baby. It's a no fuss birthing practice which required some breathing in and out, then out I popped with just the help of one midwife and my Daddy squeezing my Mummy's hands. Read how they did it if you're a bit curious <A Natural Birth>.

2. I'm a good sleeper. It wasn't easy at first but with regular practice I have been able to soothe myself to sleep and get through the night without needing my mummy or daddy to comfort me. I know when its bedtime, sometimes I even remind them when they forget (I can do Makaton sign for sleep). It starts with a warm bath (with plenty of splashes), change of clothes, a bedtime story and my milk. Once I lay on the bed, I do a bit of thinking and then I fall asleep until its morning. When I'm finally awake but the house is still quiet, I practice the new words I learn. There's no need to shout, they know I'm awake anyway and they could always do with a lie in during the weekends.

3. I enjoy playing with other children. Sure I love being with my Mummy and Daddy but they can be boring most of the time. That's why I look forward to going to nursery three times a week or going to the Children's Library to read stories with my cousin Alex on Wednesdays and meeting with my friend Austin on Fridays. With other children, I learn to share, pick up new words, copy what they do and develop relationships. It's always good to have a social life.

4. My name is supposed to blend my English-Filipino-Turkish origins, that's what my parents intended to anyway. How they ended up with a popular Jewish first name and a Spanish (Alejandro) middle name is not very creative. But they did their best.

5. Breast is best but it's not for everyone and it can't go on forever. It's one of the best mutually beneficial gifts I received, nutrients and comfort for me and losing pregnancy weight with savings from formula milk for my Mummy. I enjoyed it whilst it lasted, which was until my first birthday when I could finally  live on fresh milk and healthy meals. I no longer crave for it but I don't mind that some of my friends still do or that some of them never had it.

6. I am bilingual. I can speak and understand both English and Tagalog (my Mummy's native language). It's fun to have two languages and there's no better time to learn than when you are a baby when your brain is like a sponge. Even my cousin Alex is picking it up from listening to us.

7. I support WWF. What they do is very important. For as little as £3 a month, you can help ensure that endangered species still has a place in our shared world and the effects of climate change are mitigated. Read their website to find out more.

8. I rock eco-fashion. Everything I wear has been worn by someone else before (except the occasional presents from families and friends). My mummy always shops for my clothes at charity shops, they are the cheapest and most sustainable options, sometimes, they also have designer brands too! And when they no longer fit me, they are passed on to someone else who might need them.

9. I shop locally. My local grocers look forward to seeing me every weekend, from the butchers to the green grocers to even the waiters of our local pub and the chef in our favourite cafe. I often get discounts too and plenty of Yorkshire banter. You don't get that from a giant Tesco.

10. I thrive outdoors. Rain or shine, or even snow would not hinder my desire to be outside. I have to be out of the house no later than nine in the morning otherwise I would be pestering my parents by giving them their shoes and mine and asking for my coat. Fresh air is good for my lungs and the long walks are good for my limbs.

11. I am a carried baby. Baby wearing is the most versatile way to get out and about. It allows me to be wrapped in comfort when I need to without giving unnecessary strain to my Mummy's arms and back and yet have the quick freedom to get out when I'd rather be on my feet. They are more comfortable that they look, safe when done correctly and cheap if you do DIY (which she does!). That being said, I still prefer the pram when doing shopping. The trolley helps to hold the shopping while we trudge up to our house on top of the hill.

12. I love football. Every Sunday morning, I sit down with my Daddy watching The Football League Show whilst having breakfast. I enjoy watching people moving on the screen, kicking the ball and the crowd going mad when a goal is scored. But it's so much better when you are actually there, I know because I've been to a couple of matches already. Oh, and I can kick a ball by myself too!

So if you want to know more about becoming a happy baby through no fuss parenting, follow my adventures. Oh, and I would love to know about your own too!

Lots of love,

Isaac xx

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