Isaac has just turned one, can you believe it? No, me neither. Although when I mentioned it to his dad the other day, he said he thought it felt longer than that!
Well it hasn't all been cuddles and laughs, as popular culture immediately associates babies with. There have been plenty of sleepless nights and food fights too, but if you learn to hold your ground and show your little one who's boss right from the start, then they will learn to oblige. So yes, we are no followers of attachment parenting although we do not have a Gina Ford type of strict baby regime either. But we have a happy, friendly and confident toddler who, for the past five months, have been sleeping through 10 hours at night, so we must be doing something right. We found out that children crave for routine (at least ours does!), they need adults to tell them what to do, not the other way around. Once that's settled, the fun can begin. And we certainly have plenty of those!
A year in a life seems such a short time and yet it can be pretty packed too. With so many new people to meet, places to visit and photos to take it can be quite overwhelming for a young one. But it can be exciting too! So let Isaac take you through the first twelve months of his young life (click on link although this is still a work in progress, so just watch this space!).
August - I Was Born (click date to read Isaac's tales)
September - I Travelled on the Train (click date to read Isaac's tales)
October - Autumn Has Arrived (click date to read Isaac's tales)
November - I've Been Up in the Air
December - My First Christmas, My First Meal
January - The World Sitting Upright
February - I'm On the Move
March - It's Springtime!
April - Meeting my Animal Friends
May - Life is Play
June - Another Great British Summer
July - Walking on Sunshine
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